About the Course
The Institute for Credible Leadership Development (ICLD) is based on the principle that all law enforcement professionals must lead within their scope of responsibility and must be given the tools to understand what leadership looks like, feels like and sounds like. It is designed to fill the void of leadership training which traditionally exists between entry-level and mid-level supervision.
There are 4 levels of training to view:
ICLD 1 - Foundations and Principles ICLD 2 - Theories and Practice ICLD 3 - Application and Advancement ICLD 4 - Competency and Mastery
"I found the training to be very thought provoking and gained a lot of incite from it. The subject matter was very applicable to the current environment in policing. When an example of a scenario was presented, I was almost always able to relate it to something I've experienced or have seen happen. The training shed light on leadership principles, which I had previously overlooked, but through the training I learned how impactful very simple actions/verbalizations can be. I liked that the training was at my own pace. With the training being all videos, it would have been difficult to sit down for 8 hours straight (five days in a row), watch videos, and stay fully engaged. It also helped having different speakers for different topics; a different voice / different perspective. At the end of each topic, a message board entry was required, along with a response to two other responses already posted. The entry entailed answering a question / giving an opinion on the subject matter presented. I enjoyed reading other opinions, from other people in the class, as it opened my eyes to different ways of thinking and perspectives I didn't initially consider."
Alex Burg
La Crosse Police Department
"I did complete the online leadership training course that was structured to be completed at my own pace. I found the course to be beneficial because the modules were set up with clear expectations about what was needed to successfully complete the course. It had clear progress markers that made it easy to track and ensure nothing was missed. I also liked that there was a portion of written responses to prompts and then reactions to other participants writings. I like to ask questions and engage during class and that wasn’t possible with an online format but this written response and reaction format gave a little bit of that back and forth that I like to participate in. I am not sure about what goes into planning and making an in person training be successful but I think the flexibility to draw from a variety of presenters and presentation formats is a good thing. I enjoyed the quality and diversity of presenters that were compiled for the training and I think the training was well rounded and complete. Overall, I think the training was productive and had a lot of value due to all the reasons stated above. I think this type of a training program would be a good supplement to other in person trainings where other aspects of interpersonal communication and connection can take place."
Officer Joel Miller
La Crosse Police Department